
Like everything on Playa, the Black Rock City Red Dress Run is a free event. Also like everything on Playa, it costs money. Every year we collect money to buy stickers and patches and beer and supplies. All of those things are paid for with donations. Be a hero to the hash and donate some of your sponduli to us. Whatever we have left over goes to our awesome charity.

[countdown event=”Days Until BRC Red Dress Run” date=”29 August 2019″ hour=”00″ minutes=”00″ seconds=”00″ format=”d”]

No camp dues are spent on the Red Dress Run. We really need your support.

We need the following:

  • Cash
  • Money
  • bucks
  • dough
  • bread
  • moolah
  • cheddar
  • paper
  • Benjamins
  • Bones

[Total_Soft_Poll id=”2″]

You don’t need to rego, but we do want your money.